What is a purchase and sale agreement and how does it work?
There are many ways of dealing with shares should a shareholder die or become ill, could a purchase and sale agreement be right for you? If …
Rigby Financial
There are many ways of dealing with shares should a shareholder die or become ill, could a purchase and sale agreement be right for you? If …
Find out how to work out the amount of shareholder protection you need in the worst case scenario Taking out shareholder protection insurance can help provide some much …
When you go into business with another person there’s always an element of risk involved. One of the big risks that no-one wants to think about, …
Shareholder protection insurance is essentially a form of life insurance that’s used to fund the purchase of shares in the event an existing shareholder dies or …
A common misconception around life policies is that they’re really expensive, but they’re more affordable and beneficial than you may think. Relevant life insurance is a type …
Considering taking out keyman insurance for an employee? Here’s what you need to know first Keyman cover is something every business should consider for their high …
Keyman insurance can protect your business from the sudden death of a key employee, but how does HMRC deal with your premium payments? Unlike other forms …
From company size to cost, find out what you need to think about before choosing a keyman insurance policy In some businesses a significant amount of …
Find out how keyman insurance can benefit you and your most important employees Keyman insurance will protect your business from financial issues if there is a …
Find out why not investing in a keyman policy could hurt your business in the event of the death or critical illness of a key employee …
Think your business isn’t ready for shareholder protection insurance? Here’s what you need to know When you think of shareholder protection insurance you might think it’s …
Is it better to get fleet insurance or insure your vehicles separately? Find out here If your business has a number of vehicles you have two …
Relevant Life Cover is a popular benefit within businesses looking to provide high performing or highly valued senior members of staff extra incentives. It’s typically used …